🎉 Beatrice's Newsletter January 2024

No More Zoom from January 29th

Hello Parents!

Happy New Year to you and your families!

Over the last 2 months of newsletter absence, I have been preparing new programs and exciting things for 2024! We also completed the very first AI Mastery Workshop in October and November which was a huge success. Once I returned from my travels over the winter break, I was excited to re-start regular newsletters for you and your family! Here I am getting a little bit of exercise in the Austrian Alps:

Thank you also to those of you who joined us for the AI Mastery Workshop in the fall and provided fantastic testimonies. I really appreciate all your support and I’m so glad you enjoyed watching your kids have fun with AI. If you missed it then don’t worry! Another session of the AI workshop will be coming very soon in 2024.

This Week's Topic: Setting Goals for 2024 

Article 1:  Make Your New Year’s Resolutions a Family Affair
According to Kelsey Down from the Gottman Institute, making goals as a family has a distinct advantage over making a personal goal as an individual. Making goals public to your family and working together to achieve them provides the outside encouragement we all need to keep resolutions. Children learn through watching and copying their parents. How you live your life: what you say, do, eat, and practice make a world of a difference.

Here are a few suggestions for goals that are easier when the whole family is committed to making them happen:

  • Go to Bed at the Same Time

  • Unplug Devices to spend less time on screens

  • Eat Meals Together

  • Create Reading Time

  • Exercise as a Family

  • Work Toward a Financial Goal

  • Switch Out the Soda and eat healthier together

  • Go Sugarless One Day a Week

Below, I’ve added a template that can help you set goals with your family. Consider different areas like relationships, academics, etc. Want to learn more about how to set goals with your family?:  Make Your New Year’s Resolutions a Family Affair

Mark your calendars because … I am getting rid of Zoom starting Monday January 29th!  

You might be wondering…

How will Beatrice continue teaching my child if she is deleting Zoom? 

Well, I am replacing Zoom with a new and better program that I already tested out with my AI Mastery Workshop. This program is called Sessions and I am making the switch because I want to serve your child even better!

Benefits of using sessions:

  1. Automatic Email Reminders for Classes

  2. More Interactive Limitless Whiteboards

  3. Lesson Transcripts and AI Note-taking

  4. Connects with Google Docs, Slides etc.

  5. Online Booking System (which I might test out in the future)

Q&A for using Sessions:

1. Do I need to download anything or make an account to use Sessions?

- No, all you need is to click on the email link and join on browser.

2. Will I still get email reminders for classes?

- Yes, Sessions will automatically send you email reminders about your regularly scheduled classes.

3. Can I book classes through the online booking system?

- Not yet. In the future I might make it available for students who book irregular classes on a needs basis.

4. Does Sessions work on IPad or phones?

- It should work, however, I always recommend using a laptop because your child can better see the screen and the content they are learning.

My Recommendation: 

*Please join the class 10 minutes early for the first week just in case. Please test it out on your device before the class time and let me know if you run into any issues.

Questions to Consider: 🤔

1. What goals might my family benefit from accomplishing this year?

2. How can I encourage, support, and facilitate my child’s growth over the next year? What would I like to see them achieve?

3. How can we set aside family time not just for fun but also planning and personal development?

Want to learn more about how to support your child? 

Follow me on Instagram and join me on my journey to growing my education business! You supported me right from the beginning and I can’t wait to share more tips for studying and improving academics!

Thank you for making it to the end of this newsletter! You are welcome to send me responses, but don't stress because this content is made for your reading/learning pleasure. I hope you enjoyed the articles and discovered something new!

I wish you and your family happy learning!

Kind regards,
